Monday, February 4, 2008

Addiction as Ecotone - Part 6 - Sandra Simonds

I am Small - Sandra Simonds

but my life is enormous.
Huge as angels.

Huge as a zookeeper's
heart. Who knows

how large the
zoo is when you take

into account
the surface area of all

the cages. Not to
forget the aorta. Let's get

hitched in the
roomy cage of

the latest newly extinct
species. He's

gone. There's space.
In this country

they make lists (in

of all the unions
that have ever taken place

and all the unions that
will ever take place.

There's no way out of this one, Sam.

That's what they call a nation.
That's when they ask the syringe

and turkey-baster-
holding zookeeper

to sedate
the elephants

and artificially inseminate
the blasé Pandas.


Sandra Simonds has poetry published in countless journals, including Colorado Review, New Orleans Review and No Tell Motel. She's the creator of Wildlife Poetry Magazine, and helps edit the DIY (Do It Yourself) Poetry Publishing Cooperative site. Check out her blog to see her chapbooks, poems and sundry pop-opinions.

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